
Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum in Inclusive Schools : A Practical Guide to Implementing Evidence-Based Approaches | 1:a upplagan

av Beth Saggers och Suzanne Carrington

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-04-28
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2021/1
Antal sidor 152
ISBN 9780367501747
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Inclusive education has grown as an international movement to not only support students with disabilities, but to promote equitable access, participation, and success for all students. This book will transform the capacity of teachers and specialists working with students and families to effectively support an inclusive approach to education for students on the autism spectrum. This book addresses the urgent need to identify inclusive educational environments and strategies for students on the autism spectrum so that they have the best chance of social, behavioural, and academic success at school. Teachers who include students on the autism spectrum in primary and secondary classrooms require greater knowledge of how they can best support the learning, social, and behavioural needs of their students. Without such knowledge, the consequences can include unsatisfactory learning experiences for all students, and interrupted schooling for the student on the autism spectrum through reduced attendance and retention, lower academic performance, exclusion, disengagement, and pressure on parents to make alternative arrangements for their child’s education. Inclusive education is socially, emotionally, and academically beneficial for all students and positively impacts on respectful attitudes to difference. This book presents innovative, evidence-based practices that will build the capacity of teachers and specialists implementing an inclusive and contextually relevant approach to education that will support students on the autism spectrum and meet the diverse needs of all students in their classrooms.
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