
Smart Agriculture : Emerging Pedagogies of Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Internet of Things | 1:a upplagan

av Govind Singh Patel och Amrita Rai

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-01-20
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 244
ISBN 9780367535803
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This book endeavours to highlight the untapped potential of Smart Agriculture for the innovation and expansion of the agriculture sector. The sector shall make incremental progress as it learns from associations between data over time through Artificial Intelligence, deep learning and Internet of Things applications. The farming industry and Smart agriculture develop from the stringent limits imposed by a farm's location, which in turn has a series of related effects with respect to supply chain management, food availability, biodiversity, farmers' decision-making and insurance, and environmental concerns among others. All of the above-mentioned aspects will derive substantial benefits from the implementation of a data-driven approach under the condition that the systems, tools and techniques to be used have been designed to handle the volume and variety of the data to be gathered. Contributions to this book have been solicited with the goal of uncovering the possibilities of engaging agriculture with equipped and effective profound learning algorithms. Most agricultural research centres are already adopting Internet of Things for the monitoring of a wide range of farm services, and there are significant opportunities for agriculture administration through the effective implementation of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data and IoT structures.
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