
Ancient Lives : An Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory | 7:e upplagan

av Brian M Fagan och Nadia Durrani

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-11-10
Upplaga 7
Fler upplagor 2020/7
Antal sidor 568
ISBN 9780367537340
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Focusing on sites of key significance and the world’s first civilizations, Ancient Lives is an accessible and engaging textbook which introduces complete beginners to the fascinating worlds of archaeology and prehistory. Drawing on their impressive combined experience of the field and the classroom, the authors uses a jargon-free narrative style to enliven the major developments of more than 3 million years of human life. First introducing the basic principles, methods, and theoretical approaches of archaeology, the book then provides a summary of world prehistory from a global perspective. This latest edition provides an up-to-date account of human evolution and the origins of modern humans. It explores the reality of life in the prehistoric world. Later chapters describe the development of agriculture and animal domestication, and the emergence of cities, states, and preindustrial civilizations in widely separated parts of the world. Our knowledge of these changes isthanks to revolutionary developments in LiDAR technology and other remote sensing devices. With this new edition updated to reflect the latest discoveries and research in the discipline, Ancient Lives continues to be a comprehensive and essential introduction to archaeology. It will be ideal for students of looking for an accessible guide to the subject.
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