
The Far Right, Education and Violence : An Educational Philosophy Reader Volume IX | 1:a upplagan

av Michael A. Peters och Tina Besley

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-09-30
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 120
ISBN 9780367562014
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In the last decade the far-right, associated with white nationalism, identarian politics, and nativist ideologies, has established itself as a major political force in the West, making substantial electoral gains across Europe, US and Latin America, and coalescing with the populist movements of Trump, Brexit and Boris Johnson’s 2019 election in the UK. This political shift represents a major new political force in the West that has rolled back the liberal internationalism that developed after WWI and shaped world institutions, globalization, and neoliberalism. It has also impacted upon the democracies of the West. Its historical origins date from the rise of fascism in Italy, Germany and Austria from the 1920s. In broad philosophical terms, the movement can be conceived as a reaction against the rationalism and individualism of liberal democratic societies, and a political revolt based on the philosophies of Nietzsche, Darwin, and Bergson that purportedly embraced irrationalism, subjectivism, and vitalism. This edited collection of essays by Michael A Peters and Tina Besley, taken from the journal Educational Philosophy and Theory provide a philosophical discussion of the rise of the far-right and use it as a canvas to understand the return of fascism, white supremacism, acts of terrorism and related events including the refugee crisis, the rise of authoritarian populism, the crisis of international education and Trump’s ‘end of globalism’.
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