
Reaching for Fulfilment as a Woman in Science : Further Stories of a Clinical Neuropsychologist | 1:a upplagan

av Barbara A. Wilson

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-02-28
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2021/1
Antal sidor 216
ISBN 9780367569563
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This vivid memoir presents adventures from the life of Barbara A. Wilson, an internationally honoured scientist who played an influential role in the development of neuropsychological rehabilitation at a time when the scientific field was dominated by men. As a follow-up to the highly successful Story of a Clinical Neuropsychologist, this book includes a host of memories, both personal and professional, which focus on Barbara’s development of her career as a woman in science. From childhood recollections and travels in Africa, to lifetime achievement awards and the restrictions of global pandemics, Barbara tells the story of her full and varied life and her unparalleled career in neuropsychological rehabilitation. Her book indicates that one can lead a meaningful and full life even after one of the most awful of losses, the death of a child, and also emphasizes the need to stick to one’s principles in trying times. The result is an unparalleled insight into the life of a clinical neuropsychologist, which can encourage the next generation of professionals who are trying to balance career, international travel and family, as well as inspire any girls interested in entering the world of science.
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