
Frontiers of Space Risk : Natural Cosmic Hazards & Societal Challenges | 1:a upplagan

av Richard J. Wilman och Christopher J. Newman

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-06-30
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 285
ISBN 9780367571436
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CHOICE Recommended Title, March 2019This book brings together diverse new perspectives on current and emerging themes in space risk, covering both the threats to Earth-based activities arising from space events (natural and man-made), and those inherent in space activity itself. Drawing on the latest research, the opening chapters explore the dangers from asteroids and comets; the impact of space weather on critical technological infrastructure on the ground and in space; and the more uncertain threats posed by rare hazards further afield in the Milky Way. Contributors from a wide range of disciplines explore the nature of these risks and the appropriate engineering, financial, legal, and policy solutions to mitigate them. The coverage also includes an overview of the space insurance market; engineering and policy perspectives on space debris and the sustainability of the space environment. The discussion then examines the emerging threats from terrorist activity in space, a recognition that space is a domain of war, and the challenges to international cooperation in space governance from the nascent asteroid mining industry.Features:Discusses developments and risks relevant to the public and private sectors as access to the space environment expandsOffers an interdisciplinary approach blending science, technology, and policyPresents a high-level international focus, with contributions from academics, policy makers, and commercial space consultants
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