
Pursuing Excellence : A Values-Based, Systems Approach to Help Companies Become More Resilient | 1:a upplagan

av Brian Strobel

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-11-30
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 200
ISBN 9780367617776
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Our world suffered a staggering blow. We will recover. Many of our companies are still suffering. Some of them will not recover. We are now in a time of disruption. A company’s culture will play a big part in managing through this disruption. Senior leaders must establish a clear purpose, a strong set of core values, and a plan to translate strategy into action. Companies will be seeking to transform, to become more efficient and resilient. Most attempts to do so fail. They fail because we try to solve the wrong problem with the wrong system. We attempt to change the way people act. But to achieve sustained improvement, we must focus on changing the way they think. Over the last thirty years, we’ve experimented with Lean, six sigma, and other improvement initiatives. Each failed to move beyond average performance and sustain transformational improvement. Average then became a learned behavior. To move forward, we must unlearn some things. We must change our problem definition and our defined systems. And we can do this by framing the problem through the lens of Operational Excellence. This book draws from the author's 25 years of leading people in operational environments. The work incorporates best practices from values-based leadership, systems-thinking, continuous improvement, and organizational change management. The author seeks to help companies realize excellence and become more resilient to succeed in our new and challenging world. Pursuing Excellence provides the foundation within a company’s structure to embrace and value efficiency, innovation, and agility.
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