
The Craft of Family Therapy : Challenging Certainties | 2:a upplagan

av Salvador Minuchin och Michael D. Reiter

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-04-15
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor 2021/2
Antal sidor 264
ISBN 9780367628338
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This cutting-edge second edition of The Craft of Family Therapy revisits some of Salvador Minuchin’s most famous cases, guiding trainee therapists through basic techniques and ideas while illuminating the unique voice of Minuchin as the founder of structural family therapy. Curated by Minuchin’s co-authors, Michael D. Reiter and Charmaine Borda, the book begins by teaching readers the fundamentals of family therapy through the lens of rich commentary from Salvador Minuchin on some of his most interesting cases. It then moves on to three detailed supervision transcripts from Minuchin’s former students, illustrating the struggles, fears, and insecurities that new family therapists face and how they can overcome them. In a new, ground-breaking third section, Reiter and Borda share their own lessons from Minuchin as well as expand his influential ideas, emphasizing a strength-based family therapy approach. Written in an accessible, practical style, The Craft of Family Therapy, 2nd edition draws on a wealth of fascinating case examples to bring Minuchin’s theory and experience to today’s family therapists and psychotherapists in practice and training.
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