
Alternative Energy Technologies : An Introduction with Computer Simulations | 1:a upplagan

av Gavin Buxton

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-09-30
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 302
ISBN 9780367656386
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Alternative energy sources are becoming increasingly important in a world striving for energy independence, clean air, and a reprieve from global warming. Solar cells, wind power, and biofuels are some of the competing alternative energy sources hoping to gain a foothold in our future energy mix, and the economic advantages of these technologies are continually increasing as costs are reduced and efficiencies increased. Alternative Energy Technologies: An Introduction with Computer Simulations explores the science and engineering behind a number of emerging alternative energy technologies, including polymer solar cells, algae biofuels, and artificial leaves. It also addresses the environmental need for these technologies. However, unlike its predecessors, this book employs simple computer models implemented within spreadsheet environments to simulate different aspects of the alternative energy technologies and therefore teach the subject matter. This unique approach:Provides a dual introduction to alternative energy technologies and computer simulationElucidates the fundamental behaviors and complex interactions within the alternative energy systemsMakes computer simulation straightforward and accessible to readers with no prior programming experienceFeaturing investigative exercises that deepen understanding and inspire further research, Alternative Energy Technologies: An Introduction with Computer Simulations makes an ideal introductory textbook for undergraduate students and a valuable professional reference for experimental researchers.
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