
Tolley's Basic Science and Practice of Gas Service | 5:e upplagan

av John Hazlehurst

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-09-30
Upplaga 5
Antal sidor 482
ISBN 9780367659349
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This is the first of three essential reference volumes for those concerned with theinstallation and servicing of domestic and industrial gas equipment. This volumeexplains the basic principles underlying the practical and theoretical aspects ofinstalling and servicing gas appliances and associated equipment, from the basics ofcombustion, to burners, pressure and flow, transfer of heat, controls, as well asmaterials and processes, electrical aspects, and metering and measuring devices.The revised fifth edition is brought fully up to date with current Standards andlegislation to reflect recent developments in industry, in line with requirements of theACS Certificates of Competence and NVQs. Covering both natural gas andliquefied petroleum gas, the many illustrations and worked examples includedthroughout the text will help the reader to understand the principles under discussion.Volume 1 of the Gas Service Technology Series will enable the reader to put intopractice the safe installation and servicing procedures described in the companionvolumes: Domestic Gas Installation Practice (Volume 2), and Industrial andCommercial Gas Installation Practice (Volume 3). Combining a comprehensivereference with practical application in real-world engineering contexts, Volume 1provides an essential handbook for all aspects of fundamental gas servicingtechnology, ideal for both students new to the field as well as professionals and noneoperational professionals (e.g. specifiers, managers, supervisors) as an ongoing source of reference.
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