
The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Food and Gastronomy | 1:a upplagan

av Willy Legrand och Philip Sloan

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-09-30
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 458
ISBN 9780367660116
Kategori(er) Miljö & hållbarhet
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The issues surrounding the provision, preparation and development of food products is fundamental to every human being on the planet. Given the scarcity of agricultural land, environmental pollution, climate change and the exponential growth of the world’s population where starvation and obesity are both widespread it is little wonder that exploring the frontiers of food is now a major focus for researchers and practitioners. This timely Handbook provides a systematic guide to the current state of knowledge on sustainable food. It begins by analyzing the historical development surrounding food production and consumption, then moves on to discuss the current food crisis and challenges as well as the impacts linked to modern agriculture and food security. Finally, it concludes with a section that examines emerging sustainable food trends and movements in addition to an analysis of current food science innovations. Developed from specifically commissioned original contributions the Handbook’s inherent multidisciplinary approach paves the way for deeper understanding of all aspects linked to the evolution of food in society, including insights into local food, food and tourism, organic food, indigenous and traditional food, sustainable restaurant practices, consumption patterns and sourcing. This book is essential reading for students, researches and academics interested in the possibilities of sustainable forms of gastronomy and gastronomy’s contribution to sustainable development. The title includes aforeword written by Roberto Flore, Head Chef at the Nordic Food Lab, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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