
Feminism, Postfeminism and Legal Theory : Beyond the Gendered Subject? | 1:a upplagan

av Dorota Gozdecka och Anne Macduff

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-09-30
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 170
ISBN 9780367663070
Kategori(er) Juridik
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There is much debate about postfeminism, what it is, and its role in feminist politics. Whilst postfeminism has become increasingly influential in the study ofliterature, popular culture, and philosophy, it has so far received comparatively little attention in law. This book aims to remedy this situation. The book brings together feminist legal scholars working in different contexts to examine the idea of postfeminism and assess its contemporary relevance. It explores a range of questions including the following: Does postfeminism describe an age that follows modernism, an age where identity politics has realised its goals and feminism is no longer needed? Or does postfeminism describe the feminism of a postmodernist age where identity can mean anything at all? Or, differently again, does the term capture a ‘new feminism’ that discredits feminism and attempts to reshape its political consciousness? And what might the answers to these questions mean for law and legal theory, and a feminist politics of law reform?
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