
Design for Health | 1:a upplagan

av Rachel Cooper och Emmanuel Tsekleves

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-09-30
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 414
ISBN 9780367669706
Kategori(er) Medicin, vård & fysiologi
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One of the most complex global challenges is improving wellbeing and developing strategies for promoting health or preventing ‘illbeing’ of the population. The role of designers in indirectly supporting the promotion of healthy lifestyles or in their contribution to illbeing has emerged.This means designers now need to consider, both morally and ethically, how they can ensure that they ‘do no harm’ and that they might deliberately decide to promote healthy lifestyles and therefore prevent ill health. Design for Health illustrates the history of the development of design for health, the various design disciplines and domains to which design has contributed. Through 26 case studies presented in this book, the authors reveal a plethora of design research methodologies and research methods employed in design for health. The editors also present, following a thematic analysis of the book chapters, seven challenges and seven areas of opportunity that designers are called upon to address within the context of healthcare. Furthermore, five emergent trends in design in healthcare are presented and discussed. This book will be of interest to students of design as well as designers and those working to improve the quality of healthcare.
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