
Urban Restructuring, Power and Capitalism in the Tourist City : Contested Terrains of Marrakesh | 1:a upplagan

av Khalid Madhi

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-12-18
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 186
ISBN 9780367730246
Lägg i varukorgen


The book focuses on the processes of urban restructuring, power relations and the political economy of touristic authenticity.Through an in-depth analysis of Marrakesh, Morroco, the book proposes a comprehensive analytic framework. It highlights the issues of (post)coloniality, ideology, heritage-commodification, subjectivity and counter-conduct in the shadow of global capitalism. It explores how power relations and political ecomomy have shaped the city of Marrakesh over the past few decades, formulating new subjectivities. It reveals how urban policy’s sole purpose is to boost tourism in the city, bringing into question the long-term resilience and success of tourism as an economic activity and a policy choice.This book considers how the well-being of city residents is submitted to such policies, conforming to certain forms of appropriation – of land, culture and memory.The example of Morocco helps us understand a phenomenon affecting many other cities internationally. This book will be valuable to academics and practitioners across disciplines, including geography, political science, urban planning and architecture.
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