
Fashion Cultures

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2000-12-01
Antal sidor 416
ISBN 9780415206860
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From the catwalk to the shopping mall, from the big screen to the art museum, fashion plays an increasingly central role in contemporary culture. "Fashion Cultures" investigates why we are so fascinated by fashion and the associated spheres of photography, magazines and television, and shopping. "Fashion Cultures": - re-addresses the fashionable image, considering the work of designers from Paul Smith to Alexander McQueen and Hussein Chalayan - investigates the radicalism of fashion photography, from William Klein to Corinne Day - considers fashion for the 'unfashionable body' (the old and the big), football and fashion, and geographies of style - explores the relationship between fashion and the moving image in discussions of female cinema icons - from Grace Kelly to Gwyneth Paltrow - and iconic male images - from Cary Grant to Malcolm X and Mr Darcy - that have redefined notions of masculinity and cool - makes a significant intervention into contemporary gender politics and theory, exploring themes such as spectacle, masquerade, and the struggle between fashion and feminism.
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