
Language, Society and Power

av Linda Thomas, Shan Wareing och Ishtla Singh

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2003-11-01
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 239
ISBN 9780415303941
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Language, Society and Power looks at the ways in which language functions, how it influences thought and how it varies according to age, ethnicity, class and gender. It seeks to answer such questions as: How can a language reflect the status of children and older people? Do men and women talk differently? How can our use of language mark our ethnic identity? The book also looks at language use in politics and the media and examines how language affects and constructs our identities, exploring notions of correctness and attitudes towards language use. This edition has been updated to include recent developments in theory and research. It features: *new examples from everyday life: conversation transcripts, novels including Ian McEwan's Atonement , television and the Internet *new activities designed to give students a real understanding of the topic *an international perspective, with examples from the world's press, including The Washington Post , the Daily Mail and the New Zealand Listener *updated and expanded further reading sections and glossary. Language, Society and Power remains an essential introductory text for students of English language and linguistics.It will also be useful for students of media, communication, cultural studies, sociology and psychology.

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