
Childhood | 2:a upplagan

av David Bohm

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2005-02-01
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor 2015/2
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9780415341677
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The sociology of childhood has a relatively short history, yet it has grown as an area of academic and policy interest in recent years. Investigating the social factors that make up our knowledge of children and childhood, this book provides a greater appreciation of this stage of life. The social sciences previously handled childhood either through theories of socialization or through developmental psychology - both of which have led to children being considered as a natural rather than social phenomenon. Viewing childhood from a social constructionist perspective, it gives a critical framework through which to understand private attitudes and public policy in relation to the child. This thoroughly updated second edition includes new chapters on 'sociological approaches to the child' and 'the locations of childhood', covering a fascinating range of topics such as the importance of 'agency' in considering the child and the social spaces occupied by childhood. Written in an open and student-friendly style by a leading theorist in the field, this book pursues its own distinctive line of argument.As an updated second edition, it consolidates the position achieved by the first as an acknowledged market leader, and as such will make essential reading for students of sociology and childhood studies.
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