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Introduction to Global Military History

av Jeremy Black

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Storpocket
Utgiven 2005-05-13
Fler upplagor 2012/2, 2018/3
Antal sidor 317
ISBN 9780415353953
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
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Completely unique in its global scope, this major text does what no other book in the field does: provides students with an excellent account of modern military history with analysis of strategy, as well as tactical and operational developments in the field of war. Carefully written by a highly renowned author, this book has been widely praised by American and UK reviewers for its astonishing grasp of detail and its encyclopedic knowledge. Arranged chronologically, it spans the American War of Independence, through the French Revolution, right up to the latest conflicts in the 2000s. Specially designed to be user-friendly, Introduction to Global Military History offers: chapter introductions and conclusions to assist study and revision 'voices of war' -- sourced extracts from the field of war case studies in each chapter to support the narrative and provoke discussion vivid engravings, plans, paintings, and photos to bring the conflicts alive a twelve page colour map section plus twenty-one other integrated maps annotated references from the latest publications in the field.Jeremy Black covers all aspects of military conflict, masterfully combining the study of tactics and war strategy with the social, cultural and political consequences of war.
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