
Introduction to Communication Studies : With New Introduction Essay on Why Fiske Still Matters, and With a New Discussion on the Topic of Structuralism and Semiotocs, Fiske-style | 3:e upplagan

av John Fiske

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-09-30
Upplaga 3
Fler upplagor 2010/3
Antal sidor 248
ISBN 9780415596480
Kategori(er) Media & kommunikation
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This revised edition of a now classic text includes a new introduction by Henry Jenkins, explaining 'Why Fiske Still Matters' for today's students, followed by a discussion between former Fiske students Ron Becker, Elana Levine, Darrell Newton and Pamela Wilson on the theme of 'Structuralism and Semiotics, Fiske-Style'. Both underline the continuing relevance of this foundational text in communication studies. How can we study communication? What are the main theories and methods of approach? This classic text provides a lucid, accessible introduction to the main authorities in the field of communication studies, aimed at students coming to the subject for the first time. It outlines a range of methods of analysing examples of communication, and describes the theories underpinning them. Thus armed, the reader will be able to tease out the latent cultural meanings in such apparently simple communications as news photos or popular TV programmes, and to see them with new eyes. (Bookdata)

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