
Sport Coaching Concepts : A framework for coaching practice | 2:a upplagan

av John Lyle och Chris Cushion

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2016-11-14
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 354
ISBN 9780415675772
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Coaching is a vital factor for success in sport at all levels. Sport Coaching Concepts offers a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical issues that underpin sport coaching practice. Now in a fully revised and updated new edition, it explains why a conceptual approach to sport coaching is more important than ever before, using practice-orientated analysis to help students develop a full understanding of coaching theory and technique. Drawing on more than a decade’s worth of research, the book reflects upon the profound changes that have transformed coach education and development. It covers all the key topics of the sport coaching curriculum and includes six new chapters on the evolution of coaching theory, coaching expertise, decision making, social perspectives on the coach–athlete relationship, social inclusion and principles of coach development. Each chapter contains a full range of pedagogical features to aid learning, including discussion questions, practical projects, guides to further reading, case studies and insights from practising coaches. Sport Coaching Concepts is essential reading for all students of sport coaching and any serious coaches looking to develop their own coaching practice.
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