
Occupy Management : Inspirations and Ideas for Self-Organization and Self-Management | 1:a upplagan

av Monika Kostera

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2015-04-07
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 240
ISBN 9780415703062
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It can be said that our times are characterized both by the omnipresence of organizations and by the destabilization of organized social life, caused by the erosion of its structural and moral foundations such as long-term employment, social trust or an actual observance of the proclaimed codes of ethics. At the same time there is a huge and growing potential for organized change due to the amount of students and graduates of different types of management studies and programmes all over the world. The role of the state may become atrophied and corporations seem all too eager to seize ever more power while renouncing responsibility towards the environment and the employees, but a huge and unprecedented number of people from all walks of life, all social classes and all countries now have the qualifications to take over the responsibility for social organizations. The objective of Occupy Management: Inspirations and Ideas for Self-Organization and Self-Management is to make it evident to the student why and how he or she can manage without becoming part of corporate power structures. Aimed at postgraduate students studying organizational and management theory as well as social entrepreneurship, this book is not a simple repetition of essential knowledge in these areas, but a re-direction of such knowledge towards self-management and self-organization.
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Sveriges grönaste och skönaste bokhandel med den billigaste kurslitteraturen.

Detta är vår ambition och vi tummar inte på något för att nå dit. Vi finns till för att hjälpa studenter att spara och tjäna pengar på sin kurslitteratur samtidigt som vi tillsammans gör miljön en tjänst. Företaget startade våren 2005 av två studenter och har sedan dess strävat mot att ständigt göra det enklare att köpa och sälja begagnad kurslitteratur för så många som möjligt.

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Prenumerera för att ta del av våra bästa studenttips, erbjudanden och kampanjer.

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