
Normal Childbirth | 2:a upplagan

av Susan Downe

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Förlag Churchill Livingstone
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2008-05-30
Upplaga 2
Antal sidor 218
ISBN 9780443069437
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This new edition of the popular "Normal Childbirth" builds on the strengths of the first edition, with updated national and international data and the most recent discussion and topics of debate, around the controversial area of childbirth. With the increasing risk of litigation, there is often a move to err on the side of caution and classify women as 'at risk' if they present with even a hint of a problem. This is a contested area, with wide interpretation of terminology and midwives need to be aware of the wide parameters of 'normal' in order to practise autonomously, effectively and safely. Soo Downe covers a wide variety of subjects, with international contributors giving the benefit of their expertise. This evidence-based text offers a widely applicable source book on multiple aspects of normal birth, proposing new approaches and paradigms for future research and practice.
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