
Beer School: Bottling Success at the Brooklyn Brewery | 1:a upplagan

av Steve Hindy, TomPotter och Foreword by:Michael R. Bloomberg

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Förlag John Wiley And Sons Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2007-02-28
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9780470068670
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What do you get when you cross a journalist and a banker? A brewery, of course. "A great city should have great beer. New York finally has, thanks to Brooklyn. Steve Hindy and Tom Potter provided it. Beer School explains how they did it: their mistakes as well as their triumphs. Steve writes with a journalist's skepticism-as though he has forgotten that he is reporting on himself. Tom is even less forgiving-he's a banker, after all. The inside story reads at times like a cautionary tale, but it is an account of a great and welcome achievement." -Michael Jackson, The Beer Hunter(r) "An accessible and insightful case study with terrific insight for aspiring entrepreneurs. And if that's not enough, it is all about beer!" -Professor Murray Low, Executive Director, Lang Center for Entrepreneurship, Columbia Business School "Great lessons on what every first-time entrepreneur will experience. Being down the block from the Brooklyn Brewery, I had firsthand witness to their positive impact on our community. I give Steve and Tom's book an A++!" -Norm Brodsky, Senior Contributing Editor, Inc. magazine "Beer School is a useful and entertaining book.In essence, this is the story of starting a beer business from scratch in New York City. The product is one readers can relate to, and the market is as tough as they get. What a fun challenge! The book can help not only those entrepreneurs who are starting a business but also those trying to grow one once it is established. Steve and Tom write with enthusiasm and insight about building their business. It is clear that they learned a lot along the way. Readers can learn from these lessons too." -Michael Preston, Adjunct Professor, Lang Center for Entrepreneurship, Columbia Business School, and coauthor, The Road to Success: How to Manage Growth "Although we (thankfully!) never had to deal with the Mob, being held up at gunpoint, or having our beer and equipment ripped off, we definitely identified with the challenges faced in those early days of cobbling a brewery together. The revealing story Steve and Tom tell about two partners entering a business out of passion, in an industry they knew little about, being seriously undercapitalized, with an overly naive business plan, and their ultimate success, is an inspiring tale." -Ken Grossman, founder, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
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