
Acquisition and Performance of Sports Skills | 1:a upplagan

av Terry McMorris

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Förlag John Wiley And Sons Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2004-02-29
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9780470849958
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Acquisition and Performance of Sports Skills provides students with the theoretical and practical background that is necessary for an understanding of the basics of skill acquisition and performance. This understanding is founded on the student's existing knowledge of sport and leads into the subject, using a student centred, problem-solving approach. The first half of the book examines the nature of sports performance and the second, skill acquisition. There is currently a debate among researchers into psychomotor learning: the ecological versus the cognitive approach. Because this book is aimed clearly at students taking a first course in the subject the author includes examples from both schools of thought thus ensuring a balanced approach. *looks at skill acquisition firmly within the context of sports performance. *takes students' practical experience as a starting point then clearly explains the underlying theories. *presents both cognitive and ecological approaches to the subject to give a balanced view. *excellent pedagogy including problem-solving tasks, practical experiments and revision notes at the end of chapters. Written by an author with many years teaching, research and practical coaching experience Acquisition and Performance of Sport Skills will prove invaluable for students of sport and exercise science taking a first course in skill acquisition, motor learning and/or motor control. This is the second title to appear in a new series - Wiley SportTexts that aims to provide textbooks covering the key disciplines within the academic study of sport.
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