
Tomorrow Is the Question : New Directions in Experimental Music Studies | 1:a upplagan

av Benjamin Piekut

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Förlag Turpin
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2014-04-30
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 304
ISBN 9780472119264
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In recent decades, experimental music has flourished outside of European and American concert halls. The principles of indeterminacy, improvisation, nonmusical sound, and noise, pioneered in concert and on paper by the likes of Henry Cowell, John Cage, and Ornette Coleman, can now be found in a variety of new locations: activist films, rock recordings, and public radio broadcasts, not to mention in avant-garde movements around the world. The contributors to Tomorrow Is the Question explore these previously unexamined corners of experimental music history, considering topics such as Sonic Youth, Julius Eastman, the Downtown New York pop avant-garde of the 1970s, Fluxus composer Benjamin Patterson, Tokyos Music group (aka Group Ongaku), the Balinese avant-garde, the Leicester school of British experimentalists, Cubas Grupo de Experimentacin Sonora del ICAIC, Pauline Oliveross score for the feminist documentary Maquilapolis, NPRs 1980s RadioVisions, and the philosophy of experimental musical aesthetics. Taken together, this menagerie of people, places, and things makes up an experimentalism that is always partial, compromised, and invented in its local and particular formationsin other words, these individual cases suggest that experimentalism has been a far more variegated set of practices and discourses than previously recognised. Asking new questions leads to researching new materials, individuals, and contexts and, eventually, to the new critical paradigms that are necessary to interpret these new materials. Tomorrow Is the Question, gathering contributions from historical musicology, enthnomusicology, history, philosophy, and cultural studies, generates future research directions in experimental music studies by way of a productive inquiry that sustains and elaborates critical conversations.
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