
Lee Miller: Photographs

av Antony Penrose

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Förlag Hachette UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-08-31
Antal sidor 144
ISBN 9780500025925
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One hundred of the most outstanding photographs taken by photographer, model and Surrealist muse Lee Miller, published in anticipation of the film Lee starring Kate Winslet as Lee Miller

Photojournalist, war correspondent, model and Surrealist muse, Lee Miller was one of the most important women photographers of the twentieth century, working in the fields of photojournalism, fashion, portraiture and advertising. This book presents 100 of Miller's finest works in a single volume.

Introduced to photography at an early age, Lee Miller honed her craft in Paris, where she associated with the Surrealists and avant-garde artists including Jean Cocteau and Picasso. Together with Man Ray she accidentally discovered the distinctive technique of solarization to create mesmerizing halo effects. After establishing her own photographic studio in New York, where she became a prominent commercial photographer, she then moved to the Middle East and Europe before becoming the official war photographer for Vogue, a period during which she took many of her most iconic photographs.

This evocative book collects Lee Miller's most famous documentary, fashion, and war works, as well as photographs of Miller, all carefully compiled by her son the photographer Antony Penrose, with a foreword by actress Kate Winslet, who will star as Miller in the film Lee.
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