
Dance Your Way Home

av Emma Warren

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Förlag Faber And Faber
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-03-16
Fler upplagor 2024/0
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9780571366033
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This book is about the kind of ordinary dancing you and I might do in our kitchens when a favourite tune comes on. It's more than a social history: it's a set of interconnected histories of the overlooked places where dancing happens . . . Why do we dance? What does dancing tells us about ourselves, individually and collectively? And what can it do for us? Whether it be at home, '80s club nights, jungle raves or volunteer-run spaces and youth centres, Emma Warren has sought the answers to these questions her entire life. Dancing doesn't just refract the music and culture within which it evolves; it also generates new music and culture in and of itself. When we speak only of the music, we lose part of the story - the part that finds us dancing as children on the toes of adults; the half that triggers egalitarian communication across borders and languages; the part that finds us worried that we'll never be able to dance again, and the part that finds us wondering why we were ever nervous in the first place. At the intersection of memoir, social and cultural history, Dance Your Way Home is an intimate foray onto the dancefloor - wherever and whenever it may be - that speaks to the heart of what it is that makes us move.
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