
The Wealth Money Can't Buy

av Robin Sharma

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Förlag Nordiska Bokgrossisten
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2024-04-09
Fler upplagor 2024/0
Antal sidor 416
ISBN 9780593799024
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Real wealth is so much more than cash in the bank, flashy cars in the driveway and luxury vacations on exotic islands. Too many financially prosperous people are surprisingly poor when it comes to the things that truly matter for a life of happiness, vitality, and serenity. Society has sold us a version of success that has left too many people feeling empty, frustrated, and filled with regret. Fortunately, there is a much better way to live. In The Wealth Money Can't Buy, you will discover a life-altering system that will help you lead your richest life before it's too late. You will learn a framework based on the eight hidden habits used by authentically rich people and gain a methodology to master your destiny. Open this book and allow a trusted mentor to offer you valuable insights. Legendary personal growth expert Robin Sharma has mentored billionaires, superstar athletes, and heads of state, teaching them The 8 Forms of Wealth Model with transformational results. Now, you will learn it, too, and create the lifetime of your highest dreams. Full of practical tools and transformational tactics, The Wealth Money Can't Buy offers a life-changing philosophy and methodology for enjoying a genuinely rich life-filled with personal power, unusual authenticity, exceptionally fulfilling work, and a lifestyle that will make you feel that fortune has finally smiled on you.
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