
Dare to Be a Green Witch

av Ehris Urban

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Förlag Llewellyn
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-07-08
ISBN 9780738765457
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Dozens of Stories, Remedies & Recipes from the Grounded Goodwife

Discover the joys of embracing an earth-friendly, natural lifestyle with this extraordinary guide. Daughter and mother coauthors Ehris Urban and Velya Jancz-Urban provide everything you need to get started, including a wide variety of recipes and remedies, historical uses of natural ingredients, and entertaining anecdotes from their time living holistically in a 1770 Connecticut farmhouse.

As the Grounded Goodwife duo, Ehris and Velya guide your journey into the green witch world, introducing you to herbal infusions, fermentation techniques, and pantry essentials. Learn the many uses of fire cider, tonics, essential oils, and collagen. Explore natural body and facial care, healthy ways to indulge in alcohol and chocolate, and recipes for relaxation. From creating an herbal sleep pillow to energy cleansing, Dare to Be a Green Witch shows you how to use nature's gifts for greater wellness.

Watch the book trailer here.

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