
Star Struck

av Pamela Anderson

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Förlag Simon & Schuster
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2006-06-01
Antal sidor 190
ISBN 9780743493741
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Star Wood Leigh is star struck in life and love. A hasty secret marriage to rock 'n' roll bad boy Jimi Deed triggers a chain of events that changes both of their lives. Together they soar to the heights of stardom and explore the dark side of celebrity. As their lives become more public, their secrets get even darker. Provocative and filled with surprises, this, the latest in the continuing tale of Miss Star Wood Leigh, takes her story to a whole new level. Life goes off the scale as she tries to balance private life with celebrity, and the world finds out what it really means to be Star Struck. Take a twisted look at what can happen offscreen as Star navigates the rocky shoals of life and love as the world's most unintentional superstar. Bestselling authors Pamela Anderson and Eric Shaw Quinn are back with their latest installment on the life of their fictional alter ego and their twisted take on stardom. The editorial advice of writer/director Gerry Anderson — Pam's brother — who not only added a lot of joy to the editing process in the writing of this book, also helped shape Star Stuck into a raw and unexpected take on stardom.
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