

av Pamela Anderson

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Förlag Atria Books
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2005-06-01
Antal sidor 304
ISBN 9780743493758
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Pamela Anderson's life is the stuff of fairy-tales and centerfolds. A champagne blonde who was discovered by a beer company, she moved from model to playmate, from actress to star . . . all in the blink of an eye. And this is her story. A delicious roman-à-clef, Star is an energetic blend of fact and fiction that is sure to get people talking. What's true and what's not? Is the neru-jacketed publisher of Man Magazine (Marsten Man--"MM" to his friends) a real bold-faced name or a construct of fiction? Is that what really goes on in "The Castle?" Could there really be a bulimic personal trainer or a panty-stealing manager? What about the child star? And the prize fighter who gets the trophy wife? Star is a breathless romp through truth and tabloid. An insider's look at the world of inflated egos and inflated bodies, this book goes well beyond the clichéd air-kisses and casting couch of Hollywood to show what really happens when A-list meets D-cup, when girl becomes goddess. This isn't chick lit so much as it is lit by the ultimate chick, a woman whose career has spanned TV, film, print-and even animation. Not a week goes by without Pamela Anderson appearing in some tabloid. Not a month goes by without her gracing the cover of some glossy magazine. Pamela Anderson gets 5,000 fan letters a month; her every move is captured by paparazzi. A record number of Playboy covers, she is the woman whom Vanity Fair calls "O great blonde babe goddess!" And now she's telling all. . . or is she?
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