
The Trade Commissioner

av G Sson Miller

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Förlag ICM Europe GmbH
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2002-06-30
Antal sidor 303
ISBN 9780755200566
Kategori(er) Skönlitteratur
 ↳ Deckare, thrillers & spänning
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SYNOPSIS for The Trade Commissioner © As Trade Commissioner for a Scandinavian country with responsibility for trade development with Northwestern USA and Western Canada, Eric Stark learns through his secretary that a German on his invitation list for a wine tasting party at the end of the 1960’s had been a high-ranking Nazi working directly under Hitler during the Second World War. When learning from his old friend at La Sûreté in Paris that one of his business contacts in USA, a French aeronautical engineer with the executive position of Foreign Procurement Manager for a major US space and aircraft corporation, was suspected to have been a collaborator with the Nazis during the war, Eric Stark decides to extort a confirmation of that suspicion from the German by letting him understand that he, Eric Stark, is informed about his grisly past. When the German then gets the requested confirmation from a former SS officer in Germany who handled the collaborators in Paris and passes that on, Eric Stark senses he could use that information to extort a partnership with the Frenchman for technology transfers to Moscow, Beirut and Beijing – a power brokerage business for the purpose of restoring the Balance of Power between the major world powers and thus reduce the risk for a third world war. The outraged German decides to undertake any measures, including murder, to prevent public disclosure of his devoted work for Hitler during the entire war. However, Eric Stark succeeds to survive two attempts on his life and can implement his greater scheme together with the Frenchman resulting in huge brokerage fees channeled through Swiss number-accounts to Cayman Islands for investments in a daring diamond joint venture with an English consortium, all based on the newly discovered diamond deposits in Siberia. Copyright©2009 ICM Ltd., Canada. All rights reserved.
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