
Green Immunity Boosters: Botanicals For Immunity

av James LaValle

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-03-04
Antal sidor 128
ISBN 9780757003219
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Every year, millions of people across the world come down with the common cold or flu. While many are back on their feet within days, over 100,000 people are hospitalised with the flu each year and many more experience cold symptoms and complications that are severe enough to send them to the doctor's surgery. While some progress has been made in the development of drugs that target these disorders, for the most part, sufferers must wait for the infection to run its course or do they? GREEN IMMUNITY BOOSTERS will show you how to use safe and natural botanicals to heighten your body's defences so that you are more resistant to both bacterial and viral infections. It will, also, explain how you can slow the progress of bacteria and viruses and ensure that your immune system is prepared to respond as quickly as possible to any bacterial of viral threat, including the cold and flu. Whether you are actively fighting a cold, flu or other viruses or you simply want to make your body more resistant to infection GREEN IMMUNITY BOOSTERS will show you the natural way to better health.
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