
Giver and the gift - principles of kingdom fundraising

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Förlag Förlagssystem
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2015-12-01
Antal sidor 112
ISBN 9780764217746
Kategori(er) Religion
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A Relational Approach to Fundraising For many people, fundraising has become a dirty word. Conjuring images of guilt-inducing gimmickry, the predominant model saps the joy from both the donor and the receiver. But what if fundraising has the potential to be good for the giver, not just the recipient? What if it's about love and service, not just "What's in it for me?" These are the questions that Peter Greer, president and CEO of Hope International, and David Weekley, one of America's most influential philanthropists, answer in The Giver and the Gift. Based upon their own relationship and experiences, The Giver and the Gift outlines a Kingdom perspective on fundraising. Instead of guilt, there is gratitude. Instead of obligation, joy. It's time to dismantle certain shaky beliefs and practices, energizing a new generation of generosity. "How does fundraising become a Kingdom partnership, instead of just the transfer of funds? As a person who has spent years in the middle of these partnerships, I found the book fresh, clear, and extremely helpful." --Denny Rydberg, president of Young Life
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