
Puppets & marionettes - a collectors handbook & price guide

av Jan Lindenberger

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1997-05-29
Antal sidor 176
ISBN 9780764302794
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For centuries, entertainers have strung their audiences along with these captivating characters. This author does the same, chronicling the global fascination with puppets over thousands of years. From Pinocchio to Kermit the Frog, from Indian stick figures to Jerry Mahoney puppets, these collectibles have entertained and educated generations. They are a perfect medium for telling stories, some quite serious and deeply meaningful and others meant simply for entertainment and laughter. Puppets and Marionettes will bring back memories of childhood, of the early days of television and the hours of delight these animated characters have brought into our lives. In this new book, Jan Lindenberger, with the help of her friend Joel Martone, offers a wide range of puppets and marionettes in more than 500 full-color photographs. Concisely captioned with current prices, this is the perfect book for the collector to take into the field.
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