
Camouflage uniforms of the soviet union and russia - 1937-to the present

av Dennis Desmond

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 1997-12-18
Antal sidor 160
ISBN 9780764304620
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Camouflage Uniforms of the Soviet Union and Russia is a comprehensive guide to the history, design and use of camouflage field uniforms of the Soviet Union and Russia. This excellent reference contains factual and interesting material covering the earliest days of uniform development to the most recent issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, former KGB and Spetsnaz forces. Packed with detailed color photographs, this book fills an important void in the collector reference library that has been vacant far too long. Designed with both the militaria collector and Russophile in mind, this book is an easy to use picture guide to the most sought after collectible in the Soviet and Russian militaria field, and is a must for any serious collector or intelligence analyst interested in the former Soviet Union or Russia.
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