
History of german aviation: kurt tank

av Wolfgang Wagner

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 1999-03-18
Antal sidor 272
ISBN 9780764306440
Kategori(er) Biografier
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This volume, the second in a mulit-volume history of German aviation, discusses the life work of one of Germany's greatest aircraft designers in pictures, tables, drawings and in his own words discussing flight testing of his airplanes. Examined are the birth of Focke-Wulf's airplanes, the ideas and thinking which formed the foundation of Tank's designs, his masterpieces in the areas of long-range and high-speed flight as well as flight test results. The reader experiences the metamorphosis of an aircraft design from the first pencil line on the drawing board to the screaming, nearly supersonic dives during its evaluation phase. Tank would only entrust to civilian pilots, military flyers and the captains of the Lufthansa fleet those designs whose superior flying characteristics, stability, and flawless stall handling he had been able to experience first hand. A mixture of technical history, flight testing and previously unpublished data enable the reader to catch a fascinating glimpse of the aircraft built during the 1930s and 1940s, not to mention the outstanding designs Tank worked on in other countries following the war. All of the classic Focke-Wulf aircraft are to be found: the well-known Fw 200, Fw 190, Ta 152, and Ta 154, as well as the lesser known Fw 57, Fw 187, Fw 189 and others.
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