
Carving Seasonal Decorations For Windows & Door Frames

av Paul &amp

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1999-04-16
ISBN 9780764307157
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Look at the molding above the doors in your home. What do you see? The Bolingers saw space for some new and exciting woodcarving designs bound to perk up your home in any season. The designs and tips in this unique book will inspire you to anticipate the seasons and carve a new corner piece for each season or even each month. There are plenty of ideas and designs to provide for an entire year's worth of carving! Paul and Camille Bolinger introduce designs for the home that capture the color, fun, and spirit of the seasons. The innovative and captivating designs give you a variety of quick and easy yet eye-catching items to carve as gifts or for sale. Ten individual patterns are provided in the book along with design ideas and tips, and step-by-step design techniques. The gallery provides detailed shots of finished pieces as well. With the designs and the inspiration you will gather from this book, no corner in your home need go overlooked or under decorated. So, grab some wood and your tools and get carving--your house awaits your creations!
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