
Psychedelic chic - artistic fashions of the late 1960s & early 1970s

av Roseann Ettinger

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 1999-06-28
Antal sidor 176
ISBN 9780764308116
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Brilliant colors, eye-popping designs, luxurious fabrics--all these and more characterize the unforgettable fashion trends of the late 1960s and early 1970s. This was a turbulent, exciting era in our history, and clothing styles clearly reflected the fast-moving, youth-oriented culture we remember now with a sense of awe. Sophisticated or casual, clothing became an expression of personal feelings, ideas, and attitudes. Consumers hungered for bold new looks, and designers--led by Emilio Pucci of Italy--were only too happy to oblige. Using more than 400 color photos and illustrations, this book showcases the wonderful assortment of dresses, blouses, jackets, pants, shoes, and accessories worn by the most stylish of psychedelic era men and women. Pucci's fabulous works take center stage, joined by a kaleidoscopic array of fashions illustrating the influence of Op Art, "flower power," the Eastern world, native-inspired prints, and much more. Author Roseann Ettinger uses her expertise in the vintage clothing field to provide an absorbing look at the history behind these '60s and '70s fashions--looks that are enjoying renewed popularity today. Current values, a bibliography, and an index are all provided.
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