
Discovering Antique Phonographs

av Timothy C. Fabrizio

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2000-02-17
Antal sidor 244
ISBN 9780764310485
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Out of attics and barns, out from under the dust of a century, out of collections far and wide come these spectacular survivors of the phonograph's early years. In 1996, the authors began writing a history of recorded sound. After two successful books, they have continued traveling, researching and documenting these wonderful machines. Few could have imagined how much remained to be discovered! Out of these further explorations, this gorgeous new book has come to life-illustrating entirely different talking machines. Through over 400 beautiful color illustrations, follow the progress of the acoustic talking machine from its crude beginnings in the 1870s to its most splendid and sophisticated heights in the early 20th century. An unparalleled archive of rare, fascinating, and previously undocumented objects has been assembled. The story behind the beautiful, bright machinery is told through clear and insightful descriptions, revealing many previously unpublished facts. A value guide will further enlighten the collector on the modern marketplace. Be ready to embark on an astounding journey. Prepare to discover the incredible variety and endearing charm of the antique phonograph.unding journey. Prepare to discover the incredible variety and endearing charm of the antique phonograph.
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