
Furnished Dollhouses : 1880s to 1980s

av Dian Zillner

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2000-10-30
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9780764311888
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Take a tour of nearly 150 dollhouses from Europe and America in this beautifully illustrated book. The houses and their furnishings are shown in over 700 color photographs provided with the help of nearly twenty individual collectors. Most of the houses are pictured fully furnished, complete with accessories. The houses range in size from one-room Converse models to very large handmade houses, and many are also shown with the dolls that lived inside. You'll enjoy several hundred pieces of furniture, all dating from the 1880s to the 1980s. Companies whose products are pictured include Arcade, Bliss, Christian Hacker, Converse, Schoenhut, Strombecker, Tootsietoy, Gottschalk, Deluxe Game Corp., Lines, Tri-Ang, Renwal, Ideal, Plasco, Marx, Reliable and others. Background information on over sixty-five companies is also provided. A must-have for anyone interested in dollhouses and their furnishings, this charming and informative book also includes prices with the captions.
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