
Head Vases Etc. : The Artistry of Betty Lou Nichols

av Maddy Gordon

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2001-11-30
ISBN 9780764314902
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This is not just another book on ceramic head vases … it's a fabulous volume featuring more than 600 photos representing the definitive works of the talented California ceramicist and artist, Betty Lou Nichols. Mention her name to head vase collectors and you will see their eyes light up -- that's because Nichols' finely decorated pieces from the 1940s and 1950s are considered the Rolls Royce of this collectible category. But many don't know that her talent and international fame also extended to a wide variety of figurines and an extensive line of Christmas accessories, as well as highly regarded portraits, still-lifes, and landscape paintings. Informative captions, up-to-date values, and wonderful historical ephemera chronicle Betty Lou Nichols' highly successful career, which lasted more than fifty years. Each color photo tells its own story, and many feature rare and never-before-seen examples by this multi-talented woman. Whether you collect head vases, California pottery, or any of the ceramics from the 1940s and 1950s, this book is a must for your collectible library!
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