
My little pony (r) around the world - around the world

av Debra L. Birge

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2003-02-20
Antal sidor 144
ISBN 9780764317491
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They're back!! "My Little Pony®" figurines that bring so much joy to pony lovers and collectors alike, are presented here in a delightfully new volume. These popular toys were made by Hasbro from 1981 to 1991 and were released again from 1997 to 1999 in a new series. My Little Pony and accessories continue to be issued in countries outside the United States. This beautifully photographed edition is dedicated to the ponies (old and new,) play sets, accessories, and related items that were released internationally. Included are adult and baby ponies, pony games, animal families, hair accessories and much more from Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Spain, and other far-away places. The expanded identification guide, as well as an updated pricing index, will help you determine the value of your collection. With over 200 full color photographs of hundreds of new ponies and accessories, this colorful and fact-filled book will give hours of enjoyment to pony lovers everywhere.
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