
Zenith Radio, The Glory Years, 1936-1945: Illustrated Catalo

av Harold Cones

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2003-07-17
ISBN 9780764318832
Kategori(er) Naturvetenskap & teknik
 ↳ Teknik
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These two volumes, Zenith Radio, The Glory Years, 1936-1945, tell the story and highlight the products of the Zenith Radio Corporation between the early years (1919-1935) and the end of World War II. History and Product begins with an exploration of the history of the corporation from 1936-1945 in a profusely researched and illustrated way. It continues with color photographic portraits of outstanding examples of many of the products manufactured by Zenith in this period, providing a visual survey of the wide range of Zenith radios produced during the Glory Years. The Illustrated Catalog and Database includes a catalog that gathers the most complete collection of Zenith images ever published, followed by a Database which is the most complete listing of Zenith products. In addition, appendices to this volume include Commander Eugene MacDonald's Presidential speeches, information on telepathy experiments at Zenith, Zenith in the movies, and Zenith Annual Reports from 1936-1945. All told these two volumes represent a treasure trove for radiophiles in general and Zenith fans and historians in particular.
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