
Hawaii Remembered : Postcards from Paradise

av Tina Skinner - Mary L. Martin - Nathania

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2005-03-31
ISBN 9780764322198
Kategori(er) Fakta
 ↳ Geografi & resor
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Experience the beautiful colors and exotic flavors that help define Hawaii as paradise. Luscious postcards from the early 20th century draw readers through alluring days of Hawaiis history as a booming tourist, agricultural, and, most importantly, Polynesian cultural center. General history and more than 350 actual hand-tinted photos capture the allure of native villages, early city life, the first resort hotels, and natural wonders including volcanoes, waterfalls, and amazing flora and palm-studded vistas. The images portray the unique cast-net fishing aquaculture of Hawaii, their outrigger canoes and surfboards, and the hula dancers and beautiful island girls who have become legendary worldwide. Comments from early visitors, captured from the back of the postcards, are included to illuminate authentic impressions of these islands. Dating and approximate values will assist collectors in assembling their own collection of these inspiring images.
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