
Quilts of the oregon trail

av Mary Bywater Cross

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2007-01-11
Antal sidor 184
ISBN 9780764323164
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Between 1840 and 1870, thousands of women arrived in the Pacific Northwest by way of the Oregon Trail. This migration or "leave taking" was a life-changing experience, consuming the longest time and widest distance these women would travel to establish homes and farms and help build communities for themselves and their families. This fascinating book presents quilts as documents of history to discover the women and their life stories. The book features 56 quilts made before, during, and after the journey west, as well as new information about the role of women in their communities. Each quilt is shown in full color, along with vintage photos of the makers plus information describing the quilt and the maker's family. Multiple appendices relate trail conditions, an analysis of the quilts, letters and narrations of the Trail experience, and available resource locations. Also includes a glossary, extensive bibliography, maps, and index. A wonderful resource for quilt enthusiasts, descendants, educators, and historians alike.
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