
Lighthouses of cape cod and the islands

av Arthur P. Richmond

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2006-04-30
ISBN 9780764324604
Kategori(er) Fakta
 ↳ Geografi & resor
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One of the attractions of Massachusetts destinations of Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha's Vineyard is their rich array of lighthouses. These architectural feats pepper the shores, where most continue to warn passing ships of the dangers of landfall. Arthur P. Richmond, a well-known photographer of the Cape and Islands, has gathered forty views of their lighthouses, including some views of some interiors and at various seasons. Active lights and inactive lights are presented as beautiful color postcards. Perforated, they can be detached and sent to friends (at 40 cents apiece they are a good bargain), framed and hung on your wall, or kept intact as a souvenir of your summer vacation. This is also the perfect gift for the lighthouse enthusiast or visitor to the New England shore.
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