
Gingerbread Gems : Victorian Architecture of Oak Bluffs

av Arthur P. Richmond

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2007-05-28
ISBN 9780764326820
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Take a leisurely stroll through one of the most charming and desirable areas on Martha's Vineyard -- or anywhere in the country, for that matter. Founded in 1835 as a Methodist campground, the Martha's Vineyard Campmeeting Association began as a group of tents surrounding an impressive tabernacle. Soon the tents were replaced by cozy Victorian cottages featuring bright colors, welcoming porches, and sumptuous decoration. Lovingly preserved, often with little changed since the nineteenth century, these cottages today transport residents and visitors back to an era when life was simpler and community spirit thrived. View a wonderful selection of the more than 300 cottages still remaining in the campground (now a National Historic Landmark), plus many of the larger and more ornate homes in the surrounding Oak Bluffs area. Delight in the architectural details of these fascinating structures, many designed by the prolific S.F. Pratt. This book will be a treasured memento for all who have visited and been captivated by this enchanting island.
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