
Seance 101: Physical Links To The Other Side

av Kuzmeskus Elaine

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2007-07-20
ISBN 9780764327179
Kategori(er) Naturvetenskap & teknik
 ↳ Fysik
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Séance 101 explores the physical side of the spirit world and how contact with “the other side” affects you! Read this book to find out : • How spirits communicate with us by tipping tables. Learn the basics from the New England School of Metaphysics. • How spirits manifest on film and the methods for using Electronic Voice Phenomena to contact spirits. • Where to locate and safely open your third eye, that natural intuition that can be developed into a psychic tool. Learn to meditate and set up a seance. • The importance of psychic surgery, medical practices without tools, anesthesia or pain; trumpet mediumship, where spirits speak from megaphones; and precipitated painting, when spirits paint works of art , without the help of mortals. • How magic and mediumship are tied together via the spirit of Harry Houdini! The spirit lives. Will you become a believer?
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