
Imperial German Edged Weaponry, Vol. Iii

av Thomas Johnson - Victor Diehl - Thomas W

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2008-03-28
Fler upplagor 2008/0
ISBN 9780764329364
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
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This three volume set on Imperial German swords, daggers, and bayonets is a follow-up to the authors successful and highly acclaimed four-volume series on World War II German (2005), and his equally heralded three-volume series on World War II German swords (2006) - both sets from Schiffer Publishing. These new Imperial volumes are the result of many years of arduous research on both sides of the Atlantic with several dozen advanced Imperial blade collectors making contributions. Additionally, the authors long-term relationship with key personnel in the Solingen edged weapon industry opened numerous doors in the preparation of this invaluable reference series. No one can doubt the fact that the quality of the Imperial sidearms far surpasses their subsequent mass-produced Third Reich counterparts. The author was afforded complete access to two of the most advanced Imperial edged weapon collections in the United States and one in Germany. Whether you own a single Imperial German edged weapon or have a massive collection of these beautiful artifacts, this series of references will greatly expand your knowledge and appreciation of these unique sidearms and will prove to be a must for all German edged weapon aficionados.
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